Chris Cannon
ASIS North Florida
For those of you who are researching the chapter, I would like to personally extend you an invitation to join this distinguished group of passionate security professionals. If you are a current member, I would like to personally thank you for your membership and service to the chapter.
I am honored to serve as your Chair and extremely excited about the future!
I truly believe that North Florida contains a wealth of untapped potential within the security industry. From Tallahassee over to Jacksonville and down to St. Augustine and Gainesville, there is a wealth of knowledge to be shared. My vision is to grow our footprint and involvement within the state of Florida and ASIS International. We can only accomplish that through the involvement of our members. As I stated during our 2024 Board swearing in ceremony, “We get out of the chapter what we put into it.”
My personal commitment to you is that we will offer the valuable content and learning opportunities that you desire as a security professional and that we will provide impactful opportunities for our members to learn and increase their security knowledge. We will increase our in-person meetings and networking events and all members will have the opportunity to provide input into how your chapter operates.
The Board fully understands the commitment that comes with the willingness to volunteer. There are many opportunities for you to become involved to include attending our monthly meetings and leading one of the chapter committees. I urge you to research these opportunities and to volunteer if you have a passion to lead in one of these content areas. I ask each member to stay connected to the chapter through our social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn as well as our website
I look forward to meeting each one of you in the future. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance.
Chris Cannon