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Women have gone through a series of struggles to prove their capability and become equal in the workplace to their male counterparts. Prior to World War II, women were expected to stay home and provide care for the household and children, and men were expected to “bring home the bacon.” Ideologies began to shift as women who entered the labor pool during the war wanted to remain in the workforce; women’s pursuit of equal pay and equitable working conditions continues today.
Over time, there have been many changes in the role of women in the security profession and their contribution to this specific industry which, over the years, has been dominated by men. There is a new movement on the horizon, and it includes capable women implementing a vision of change.
Women are gradually making their way into this highly male oriented profession. Ten years ago, the percentage of women in the security industry was virtually nonexistent. More recently, women have actively positioned themselves for growth within the security profession in both government and private industry. At this time, the number of women in security is rapidly increasing in the workforce.
If you're interested in participating in the Women in Security Committee, please contact Michelle Westbrook at
Are you or do you know a woman in security with a success story to share?
Please email us at
Participate in the the Women in Security community on the ASIS International website here.
Michelle Westbrook
Committe Chair for Women in Security
ASIS North Florida
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